Thursday, July 28, 2011

Indian Nationals glorify their own globally.

There is a startling fact the Americans do not see -- Indians are not as diverse as they claim to be, as they glorify their own Nation. It's a definite A+ for Nationalism but think twice since they are brilliant at becoming a bureaucrat because they'll take their jobs back home to India (not joking.. look at the U.S).

The Indian Wharton Professor wrote a book "The India way"- perhaps I should take a read and a good laugh? However the irony, Indian migrants have a great love in promoting their culture, their inefficiency, their hard lives, but credit them as successes as to why they can become CEOs. IF, they are adaptable, they would hire and embrace foreigners, provide more jobs to non-Indians globally, and our way of life.  The article highlights culturally resistant hiring behaviours, preference in working with their own team, and setting up rigid strong networks amongst them.

Indian Nationals: Multicultural? Try hiring more Chinese and French then.
"People in India think Harvard and MIT are second choices and an IIT is their first," says Spencer." A case in point - delusion helps!

The article was also reported in the ST today, with no surprise, written by Ravi (pro-migrant nazi?) Citing S&P500 is very American, it's the smallest stock exchange by the way if you know what S&P means, look at how they propagate it. Try tabluating the index in the world, and you'll get a different score for sure.

If I were Indian, I would be very glad people outside the country are promoting the state. Why not? It helps create jobs, build visibility, and allow Americans and perhaps, the world to outsource the jobs to India! Grow the economy and spread the bureaucracy and inefficiency!

Before you stone me, start thinking: I have never seen any Chinese articles, French articles, Indonesian articles, South African articles apart from Indians. They also have their successes in the World! So you see, media is biased -- they're sensationalizing their 'merits'; who would give up their rice bowl who is non-American?!

It's easy to accuse the Indian Nationals for their love money and bureaucracy, for hiring their own people, and building their own network. History tells us, to be fair, these reports are now difficult to be regarded as myths or fiction. Why would we not be surprised that Indian bigots are often ensnarled by their own greed? Take a look below:

1. Indian State Chief Minister to Quit in Illegal Mining Scandal
2. Indian Premier dragged into telecom scandal
3. Citibank uncovers $100 mln banking fraud in India
4. Ex Goldman Sachs employee Rajat Gupta embroiled in Banking Scandal.
5. Tata Nano explodes; citing safety concerns.
6. Commonwealth Games 2010 Fraud.
7. India wrestles with Corruption and Security issues despite economic growth
8. Instant promotion in the midst of bribes
9. Land Fraud Case
10. Telco 2G scam

There's always a flip-side to the coin. For the greater good, let's learn from the good things from ethnocentric bigots: Start promoting Singaporeans only. Why not? The Indian Nationals are already doing it. It's a counter measure the Singapore gahmen fails to pitch Singaporeans nicely to the world. The gahmen has a role to play in influencing how others think of us.

To this end, we surely would want more diversity by having less foreigners on this island.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why Singapore needs to make CPF compulsory for Foreigners.

The world has evolved. Globalisation is real and a threat for export nations like Singapore. Having little focus on the core talents and skills the citizens should develop, Singapore has lost its manpower skills by conceding defeat by kowtowing to Foreign Talent. Is that so? 

Me thinks the bias in hiring foreigners not only lie in their super-low wages, but also make the national pension fund, the CPF a premium that the employer has to bear in these dark days.

IN Australia, this is already practice, and considering a fresh University grad gets about an average AUD$64,000 per annum, 9% employer superannuation (pension) is deducted to any investment portfolio they wish, earning a variety of interests of at least 5% per annum. Tax starts at 20% to 40% depending on income; naturally the higher you are paid, the greater the tax one pays. (So if you are a student studying in Australia right now, stay there and earn higher moola after tax!! I so envy you.)

Figure 1: Australia Tax Office requires all employers to pay mandatory pension at 9% whether part time, casual, non-resident worker in Australia.

Figure 2: Australian Graduates take home an average AU$64,000 per annum

All foreign talent should contribute to the CPF at the same rate as do all Singaporean Citizens and those who are third year PRs (they contribute lesser rates in their 1st year and 2nd year known as graduated rate). Singapore Citizens should not be the only ones penalised for contributing CPF. If this is really a Nation of equality, then the same fair rule should apply to foreigners.

Not only is it mutually beneficial for the Singapore government; they will be seen as taking care of foreigners and providing welfare for them as required by the International Labour Organisation. These efforts will also allow them to access to medical and health facilities from their own CPF rather than simplistic insurance borne by the company. 

Singaporeans will rejoice, and foreigners who have "Free housing", "free lorry transport" to work and home, will not resort to undercutting the low wages that Singaporeans are earning after CPF deduction. This will reduce deplorable scheming methods of displacing Singaporeans at the workplace, and will level the unequal employment landscape. CPF has been seen as burdensome by some companies when hiring PRs or Singaporeans.

IMHO: It's not really a "can't be helped" situation. Rather, our gahmen "bo chap". Hardworking people earn median wages. Higher income earners tend to be comfortable where they are and do not see the workarounds as clearly as those who sport a humble background. Scholars who have tasted the greener pastures outside of Singapore, return to break their bonds, and will simply tell you, life is great outside! It's true, I've lived overseas and life was damn good but i ain't no scholar - the world is beautiful with its imperfections!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Foreign Talent pokes fun at Singapore's culture and its citizens.

Poke some more fun la. EXPELLED!

Let's not kid ourselves, integration amongst Foreigners, is a prevalent issue, esp TWM -- whether it's IQ, upbringing, who cares, they're here by the millions! But EASB's management, have shown us, that even though the public service may not stand up for Singaporeans, everyone of you, CAN. Do the right thing. Socially condition those crows! Teach them a lesson about our values and morales, and our way of life.

Living here does not give you automatic bragging rights. Of course, there are pockets of compliant and respectful migrants keen in understanding our culture -- this is indeed integration. Welcome to Singapore. I'll give you an awesome time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Playing the Race Card? I'll give you the RED card.

Some spammers are trying to provoke another's ethnicity. I am sure, Singaporeans are more mature than these insecure, inferior accusers. They sound like they are some pro-migrant nazi, trying to stir some shit in the midst of this otherwise peaceful country.

When facts about IQs and academic rankings are presented, they go crazy -- unable to accept indexed scores from researchers. Well, Dear Racist -- only a narrow-minded, one-track mind accuser, would do such a thing to sow discord on my blog. For god's sake, this world have racists everywhere! Haven't you travelled?? You don't have to travel far to see one -- across the courseway, in Europe, downunder, in the superpower nation -- everywhere man.

Indexed scores are a norm in Singapore unless you're not Singaporean and it's the first time you're seeing this. Demographics are also prevalent in gahmen stats reflecting racial groups, household type and income!!

Playing the race card is immature. I am not here to play any cards with you, you insecure racist. Let alone, put up with fake identities such as Agni, Rohan, Pundeh, TD, clearly, in favour of a certain ethnic migrant group.  By implying that you love your race only, you are also very much racist yourself! A true xenophobe! Otherwise, you wouldn't spend valuable time commenting on such hatred you have.

I am unsurprised at voyeuristic bloggers attempting to devour you at my slightest blog entry. This is not mainstream media and it is not your newspaper. If you so wish to vent, go ahead and start your own blog. This blog is not for debating too. Don't like it, exit now and live your normal life.

I love to see the reaction of one track minded idiots who react to frivolous posts -- so serious meh?! real anot! ;)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why third world migrants fail to integrate into Singapore's Society -- check that IQ.

 Tourists may mistaken Singapore as a country where its population have poor social etiquette, weak communication skills or any sense of social grooming. Who could fault them for having this perception?

Since 2006, influx of foreigners continue to plague the Singapore society with social ills. Our "founding father," continues to harp on the merits of foreign talent, and recently commented on how they "..will allow Singapore to punch above its own weight.."

The majority of migrants in Singapore come from third-world countries -- India, China, Phillippines, Vietnam, Burma, etc.  The ruling party defines them as Foreign Talent rather than Foreign Workers but I will coin them as Third World Migrants (TWM). Many netizens and citizens alike have qualms about such definition. If you didn't already know, although some migrants from India may profess to have MBA, they continue to have weak communication skills, they are disrespectful to the local culture and love to highlight about their culture in a foreign land. One would have negative views of such boastful migrant -- who for some reason were able to find an occupation by substandard graduate qualifications not within the academic rankings of the rest of the World.

A third of the population in Singapore today, is a foreigner. It may be difficult to differentiate a foreigner and a local in the eye of a tourist during their commute in Singapore unless they were of non-asian origin. One way tourists can identify this is by assessing their social etiquette and their manners.

TWM are unabashedly unrefined; they speak loudly, they are inconsiderate, they have no sense of dressing, they do not use deodorant, and they have no interest in speaking English. Some Singaporeans would refer them as 'crows' in Singapore. As the government has grown the economy greater than the local labour force can provide, these crows have come in great heaps to feed on the harvest but the farmer is nonchalant about this situation. Such crows have been clueless on what manners or etiquette is.

Notwithstanding this, it is unsurprising that these TWM fail to give up seats to the disabled or those in need on buses and trains. They are blind to the signages and lack the empathy they have for the commuters who need them more. Increasingly, TWM also cause inconvenience to commuters with their 'stench' which possibly is a norm back in their home country. It is not a norm for Singaporeans to go out in the streets with a smell, there is no excuse in not showering before one would leave for their destination. This is considered impolite and worthy of scorn. Despite the suppressed wages because of the influx of migrants, any Singaporean is better able to groom themselves with perfume, or least not smell! TWM may think it is acceptable to wear 'smell' with their flavours of sweat, or aromatic scents or traditional perfume not available from Sephora or Sa Sa or a department store! I recall being on a train, and it only took 3 or 4 TWM to fume the whole MRT carriage with their pungent scent worthy of contempt!

I continue to wrestle the ruling party's stance on foreign talents and their definition of it. I am constantly alarmed at their  "awesome" IQ and they make simple conversations difficult to grasp when ordering food! But they will always ask you for directions -- and will take more than 15 minutes! I offer no help because they are unable to comprehend our Singlish but choose to rather mock it. So long as you are in a foreign land, doesn't give you automatic bragging rights!

Recently, Singaporeans were labelled Stupid. The tabloid NEW PAPER, highlighted an Indian National condemning Singaporeans because she did not deposit a coin in the machine for the child to enjoy the ride. The citizens were enraged. So I went to search for an average IQ in the world and found those results. The large influx of migrants namely from India and Philippines, have below-90 points IQ average scores. It is no wonder, the Singapore citizens, are finding them increasingly unable to keep up or integrate into our society -- Singaporeans have an average IQ score of 103, Hong Kong 107, China and UK 100. These data were pulled from a renown researcher in 2002 and in 2006, with little variation in that 4 years. Go wikipedia them or buy them off amazon. For your convenience, I've included these data below which also includes the average IQ scores in First World Nations.

Figure 1: Singaporeans have average of 103, East Asia scores above 100 for Average IQ tests.

Figure 2. South Asians (India & Bangladesh) have below 85 points.

Figure 3: Philippines score slightly higher than 85 points.

So in case you find yourself not understanding the conversation with a stranger in Singapore, they smell, have a thick foreign accent, they aren't Singaporeans. They are TWM with average IQ less than 90, less than First World Nations.

p.s. Singapore is not 1 year old, so it is not fair to say Migrants have contributed to our success. Also, many hands built this nation -- it's not built overnight. Lax migration policies only occurred in 2006. Since their arrival, everything went downhill in the rankings including cleanliness. Why would a citizen appreciate littering in their neighbourhood and parks by these pesky crows?