Tuesday, May 31, 2011

United Kingdom struggles to control immigration.

Immigration when left uncontrolled, has a serious divisive impact in society. As it has shown, immigrants when brought in big numbers, do not integrate, rather, they enforce their 'culture' and 'behaviours' in a foreign land. Some eastern european migrants lamented that the Englishmen, should learn Spanish.

Migrants enter by seeking asylum, intra-company transfers (very common in Singapore as well), which the manpower ministry has yet to cull intakes despite raising salary cap (which have little impact for professional workers).

Each day, as you allow immigrants in our island, they will cost another Singaporean their job and they will need to rent a flat. Remember, jobs security begins with its citizens!

Say NO to foreign labour. Stop feeding the industries that are thirsty for foreign labour. If this continues in Singapore, the result will be rather distasteful.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Preserve Singaporeans.

Less serious stuff: As many would have heard, about the death of do-do birds. Any animal species facing near extinction or a significant decline in population are preserved. Perhaps, we must preserve Singaporeans.

Trust not the Pro-alien-party, they destroyed the Singapore eco system. period.